We are inverbis.
We help you improve your operational performance with the most flexible Process Mining platform in the market.
We Believe.
We believe that every company should know how their processes are being executed in real-life.
Chances are your business processes are not being followed the way you designed them. What is happening in real-life? How can we improve the way they are being executed? We help you discover what is really happening in your value chain so you can answer these and other questions.
We are Business.
A team that blends experience, knowledge, and commitment to support you at every step of your process mining journey
Leadership Team
Alejandro “Jano” Ramos, Ph.D
Board Members
José Luis Villaverde, Ph.D
Board Observer
We are Science.
883 published scientific papers, which have been quoted 14.936 times. Academic research applied to solving business issues through advanced proprietary algorithms.
Prof. Senén Barro, Ph.D
Full Professor @ USC
Head of CiTIUS – Singular Center on Research on Intelligent Technologies @ USC. Founding partner of Situm Technologies, in 2015. Ex-president at RedEmprendia. Founding and board member (2012) of the Spanish Association of Scientific and Technological Entrepreneurs. Spanish National Informatics Award 2020.
We have roots
inverbis was born as an incubation and technology transfer initiative from CiTiUS, the Singular Research Center for Intelligent Technologies of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
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Includes photos, logos and the latest data on inverbis analytics.